Thursday, 8 September 2016

Nigeria Ranked 3rd Best Programming Country In Africa: See World Rank Full Datails!

👉California-based HackerRank, a service that administers tests to developers around the world, says  China has the best programmers in the world, Second place goes to Russia, While Poland takes the bronze.

Traditional programming power houses like the US and India came in at 28th and 31st, respectively.HackerRank offers its community of programmers, apparently 1.5 million strong, with challenges to hone their skills. It examined data from these challenges from the last few years to come up with the rankings, scoring developers from different countries and finding national averages.

    Countries With The Best Programmers

👉“At HackerRank, we regularly post tens of thousands of new coding challenges for developers to improve their coding skills. Hundreds of thousands of developers from all over the world come to participate in challenges in a variety of languages and knowledge domains, from Python to algorithms to security to distributed systems.

Our community is growing everyday, with over 1.5 million developers ranked.Developers are scored and ranked based on a combination of their accuracy and speed.According to our data, China and Russia score as the most talented developers. Chinese programmers outscore all other countries in mathematics, functional programming, and data structures challenges, while Russians dominate in algorithms, the most popular and most competitive arena.

👉The United States and India provide the majority of competitors on HackerRank, they only manage to rank 28th and 31st.”
“According to our data, China and Russia score as the most talented developers. Chinese programmersoutscore all other countries in mathematics, functional programming, and data structures challenges, while Russians dominate in algorithms, the most popular and most competitive arena,” according to HackerRank.

👉The US’s position at No. 28, behind countries like Japan, Greece and Chile, might seem odd, especially for the country that basically birthed the internet and created so many of the coding tools used today.
This could potentially correlate to a lower emphasis on maths and science in American schools, as this Pew Research report details.This is also not the first time that America has been humbled by the likes of China and Russia in the programming arena. At the collegiate level during the recent ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest, schools from China and Russia beat out the likes of Harvard and MIT.

Countries With Best Programmers By Domain


👉Our dear country, Nigeria has been rated the 3rd best programming nation in the continent behind the likes of Egypt and South Africa. Nigeria also ranked at 48th in the world.

👉Egypt, which ranks first in Africa is on 42nd in the world while South Africa is 43rd.
“While Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Nigeria are currently toward the bottom of the hacker rankings, they can look to Switzerland’s steadfast developers for inspiration. When a HackerRank developergives up on a challenge before making any progress, they earn a score of zero.

👉Switzerland has the lowest percentage of nil scoring users, which make Swiss coders the Most Tenacious Programmersin the World.”
We really hope Nigeria improves a great deal in the world rankings.



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